The thesis presents a computationally efficient spray model for hollow cone sprays suitable for engine system simulation of direct injecting gasoline internal combustion engines.
The model describes the transient evolution of the spray as a two-phase jet. Spatial gradients are resolved along the main injection direction. Momentum exchange, droplet heat-up, and fuel evaporation are accounted for. Diffusive transport of momentum, energy, and fuel species mass between the dense spray zone and its environment is modelled by means of a boundary layer description. The model accurately describes the penetration behaviour of the two-phase jet resulting from the hollow cone injection.
The modeling is based on a detailed computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. The CFD model is validated against experiment both by the transient penetration behaviour and by the gas velocity field outside of the dense spray.
The thesis presents a computationally efficient spray model for hollow cone sprays suitable for engine system simulation of direct injecting gasoline internal combustion engines.
The model describes the transient evolution of the spray as a two-phase jet. Spatial gradients are resolved along the main injection direction. Momentum exchange, droplet heat-up, and fuel evaporation are accounted for. Diffusive transport of momentum, energy, and fuel species mass between the dense spray zone and it...