This thesis presents the outcome of investigations on the effects of aging induced parameter shifts and performance degradation in analog and mixed signal circuits fabricated in deep-submicrometer CMOS technologies. The combined effect of several mechanisms like bias temperature instability, conducting and non-conducting hot carrier injection on the circuit performance is evaluated. These degradation mechanisms induce threshold voltage and drain current shifts that can result into mismatch in matched transistor pairs which is especially important for accuracy of analog and mixed signal circuits. The investigations are done based on analytical evaluation, aging simulation and measurements using sample circuits implemented in state-of-the-art 32nm high-k metal gate CMOS technology. Calibration and correction techniques suitable for overcoming time varying aging induced circuit performance degradation are proposed and investigated.
This thesis presents the outcome of investigations on the effects of aging induced parameter shifts and performance degradation in analog and mixed signal circuits fabricated in deep-submicrometer CMOS technologies. The combined effect of several mechanisms like bias temperature instability, conducting and non-conducting hot carrier injection on the circuit performance is evaluated. These degradation mechanisms induce threshold voltage and drain current shifts that can result into mismatch in ma...