The subject of this thesis is a systematic phenomenological analysis of the SM4, the standard model of particle physics extended by a fourth generation of quarks and leptons.
In this framework we study the impact of direct measurements of the involved parameters, electroweak precision tests, as well as flavor and CP violation observables in the quark and lepton sector.
We show that electroweak precision measurements do not exclude a fourth generation, but impose severe bounds on the involved parameter space.
Subsequently, we calculate more than 30 flavor changing neutral current and CP-violating processes in the quark and lepton sector. A global numerical analysis of all calculated observables reveals characteristic patterns of correlations between certain measurable quantities and allows to clearly distinguish the SM4 from other new physics scenarios.
The subject of this thesis is a systematic phenomenological analysis of the SM4, the standard model of particle physics extended by a fourth generation of quarks and leptons.
In this framework we study the impact of direct measurements of the involved parameters, electroweak precision tests, as well as flavor and CP violation observables in the quark and lepton sector.
We show that electroweak precision measurements do not exclude a fourth generation, but impose severe bounds on the involved p...