Ultra-sound (US) phaco-emulsification is currently developing from a small incision to a micro-incision cataract surgery (MICS). Improvements in machine technologies with new US delivery modes with better control of irrigation and aspiration, with smaller phacotips and sleeves and with new intraocular lenses and injector systems for implantations through incisions less than 2 mm wide. Therefore, the most suitable method for surgery can be selected for each individual eye situation. Further improvements of intra-ocular lenses for implantation through incisions less than 2 mm wide would be desirable.
Ultra-sound (US) phaco-emulsification is currently developing from a small incision to a micro-incision cataract surgery (MICS). Improvements in machine technologies with new US delivery modes with better control of irrigation and aspiration, with smaller phacotips and sleeves and with new intraocular lenses and injector systems for implantations through incisions less than 2 mm wide. Therefore, the most suitable method for surgery can be selected for each individual eye situation. Further impro...