SiC MOSFET has faster switching speed, lower
RDS(on), and higher breakdown voltage when compared with
Si MOSFET. Therefore, SiC MOSFET can work at work at
higher frequencies, even Mhz. However, the overvoltage and
overcurrent (OVOC) of SiC MOSFET become more serious
with the increase of frequency due to the low damping and
the parasitic parameters in the actual circuit. The causes of
overcurrent and overvoltage of SiC MOSFET are analyzed
in this paper, and a gate driver with the variable gate
resistance and the variable driving voltage and is proposed to
suppress OVOC of SiC MOSFET. This paper analyzes the
working mode of the proposed gate driver (PGD).The PGD
can effectively suppress the OVOC of SiC MOSFET. Finally,
the effectiveness of the PGD is verified based on a doublepulse
test platform.
SiC MOSFET has faster switching speed, lower
RDS(on), and higher breakdown voltage when compared with
Si MOSFET. Therefore, SiC MOSFET can work at work at
higher frequencies, even Mhz. However, the overvoltage and
overcurrent (OVOC) of SiC MOSFET become more serious
with the increase of frequency due to the low damping and
the parasitic parameters in the actual circuit. The causes of
overcurrent and overvoltage of SiC MOSFET are analyzed
in this paper, and a gate driver with the variable...