This study investigated the impact of endothelial lesions concerning risk of thrombosis and blood flow alterations in a rat aorta model. Endothelial lesions with different sizes and configurations were created microsurgically and evaluated clinically, histologically and by using ICG-angiography. The results showed that vertical endothelial lesions are associated with a higher risk of thrombosis than those with another defect configuration. Within seven days vertical lesions converted into defects with a horizontal or round configuration due to re-endothelialisation.
This study investigated the impact of endothelial lesions concerning risk of thrombosis and blood flow alterations in a rat aorta model. Endothelial lesions with different sizes and configurations were created microsurgically and evaluated clinically, histologically and by using ICG-angiography. The results showed that vertical endothelial lesions are associated with a higher risk of thrombosis than those with another defect configuration. Within seven days vertical lesions converted into defect...