Vibrational echo correlation spectroscopy (VECS) is a powerful new method that can be applied to diverse problems such as hydrogen bond dynamics and the detn. of the compn. of complex mixts. First, the nature of a hydrogen bond network following hydrogen bond breaking is addressed for MeOD oligomers in CCl4. The correlation spectra demonstrate MeOD oligomers retain a detailed memory of the hydrogen bonded network that existed prior to hydrogen bond breaking through the observation of spectral diffusion in the photoproduct band formed following vibrational relaxation. Second, VECS is used to demonstrate the assignment of the chem. species in a complex mixt. In the example, while the linear absorption spectrum does not provide enough information to identify which peaks belong to the same mol., the off-diagonal coherence transfer peaks in the 2-dimensional correlation spectrum make the assignment straightforward. [on SciFinder(R)]
Vibrational echo correlation spectroscopy (VECS) is a powerful new method that can be applied to diverse problems such as hydrogen bond dynamics and the detn. of the compn. of complex mixts. First, the nature of a hydrogen bond network following hydrogen bond breaking is addressed for MeOD oligomers in CCl4. The correlation spectra demonstrate MeOD oligomers retain a detailed memory of the hydrogen bonded network that existed prior to hydrogen bond breaking through the observation of spectral di...