CAN 147:244370 67-0 Catalysis, Reaction Kinetics, and Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. Journal; General Review 1022-5528 7440-57-5 (Gold) Role: CAT (Catalyst use), PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PRP (Properties), PROC (Process), USES (Uses) (factors in gold nanocatalysis and oxidn. of CO in the non-scalable size regime); 630-08-0 (Carbon monoxide) Role: PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PRP (Properties), RCT (Reactant), PROC (Process), RACT (Reactant or reagent) (factors in gold nanocatalysis and oxidn. of CO in the non-scalable size regime)
CAN 147:244370 67-0 Catalysis, Reaction Kinetics, and Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. Journal; General Review 1022-5528 7440-57-5 (Gold) Role: CAT (Catalyst use), PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PRP (Properties), PROC (Process), USES (Uses) (factors in gold nanocatalysis and oxidn. of CO in the non-scalable size regime); 630-08-0 (Carbon monoxide) Role: PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PRP (Pro...