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Document type:
Journal Article
Bruckmeier, C.; Lehenmeier, M. W.; Reithmeier, R.; Rieger, B.; Herranz, J.; Kavakli, C.
Binuclear rhenium(I) complexes for the photocatalytic reduction of CO2
Binuclear rhenium(I) complexes with 1,2-bis(4,4'-methyl-[2,2'] bipyridyl)-ethane and 1,2-bis(4,4'-methyl-[ 2,2'] bipyridyl)-dodecane as bridging ligands and their mononuclear analogues have been synthesized and characterized by their spectroscopic and electrochemical properties. First reduction potentials and luminescence properties as well as the reductive quenching of the emissive state with TEOA were not affected by the alkyl linker. By means of a detailed comparison of the photocatalytic CO2...     »
Congress title:
ISI Document Delivery No.: 915KO Times Cited: 6 Cited Reference Count: 56 Bruckmeier, Christian Lehenmeier, Maximilian W. Reithmeier, Richard Rieger, Bernhard Herranz, Juan Kavakli, Cueneyt Herranz, Juan/C-7744-2013 Fonds der Chemischen Industrie; BMF [01RC1106A] C. Bruckmeier is thankful for the Doctoral Scholarship from the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie. This work was supported by the BMF grant 01RC1106A. The help with the photocatalytic setup of Max Wiedemann and Christian Obermeier as well...     »
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Dalton Transactions
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