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Document type:
Journal Article
Scholz, S.; Bare, S. R.; Kelly, S. D.; Lercher, J. A.
Controlled one-step synthesis of hierarchically structured macroscopic silica spheres
Novel hierarchically structured macroscopic silica spheres have been synthesized using a biphasic oil-in-water system. The spheres are prepared in a one-step process by injection of the precursor solution into water. This leads to controlled hydrolysis and condensation of the silanes. The precursor solution contained three different silanes, a block copolymer acting as surfactant and a solvent. The spheres have a hierarchically layered morphology, high mechanical stability, specific surface area...     »
Congress title:
ISI Document Delivery No.: 831ZK Times Cited: 1 Cited Reference Count: 25 Scholz, Sabine Bare, Simon R. Kelly, Shelly D. Lercher, Johannes A. Wacker Chemie AG; US DOE [DE-AC02-06CH11357] Financial support by Wacker Chemie AG and fruitful discussions within the Wacker-Institut fur Siliciumchemie and the framework of the network of excellence IDECAT are gratefully acknowledged. Use of the Advanced Photon Source, an Office of Science User Facility operated for the US Department of Energy (DOE) Off...     »
Journal title:
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
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