ISI Document Delivery No.: 680AK Times Cited: 20 Cited Reference Count: 51 Fackler, Philipp Berthold, Carola Voss, Felix Bach, Thorsten Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [Ba 1372-10]; Universitat Bayern e.V.; TUM Graduate School This project was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ba 1372-10), the Universitat Bayern e.V. (Predoctoral Scholarship to C.B.), and the TUM Graduate School. We thank Wacker-Chemie (Munich) and Umicore (Hanau) for the donation of chemicals and Dr. S. Huber (TU Munchen) for conducting the semiempirical calculations. 20 Amer chemical soc Washington
ISI Document Delivery No.: 680AK Times Cited: 20 Cited Reference Count: 51 Fackler, Philipp Berthold, Carola Voss, Felix Bach, Thorsten Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [Ba 1372-10]; Universitat Bayern e.V.; TUM Graduate School This project was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ba 1372-10), the Universitat Bayern e.V. (Predoctoral Scholarship to C.B.), and the TUM Graduate School. We thank Wacker-Chemie (Munich) and Umicore (Hanau) for the donation of chemicals and Dr. S. Huber...