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In-situ characterization of metal/electrolyte interfaces: sulfate adsorption on Cu(111)

Arenz, M.; Broekmann, P.; Lennartz, M.; Vogler, E.; Wandelt, K.
As a prototypical example of a metal-electrolyte interface the adsorption of sulfate on well defined Cu(111) single crystal electrodes from a 5mM H2SO4 soln. was studied by in-situ electrochem. scanning tunneling microscopy (EC-STM) and IR reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRAS). The EC-STM images show the formation of the known Moire-like structure upon adsorption of sulfate on the Cu(111) surface. While IR frequency data fail to provide information about the anion adsorption site, high-resol...     »
Scanning tunneling microscopy (electrochem. in in-situ characterization of metal/electrolyte interfaces by sulfate adsorption on Cu(111) electrode) Adsorption (electrochem. of sulfate by copper electrode in sulfuric acid soln. in in-situ characterization of metal/electrolyte interfaces) Interface (electrolyte-metal in-situ characterization of) IR spectra (in adsorption of sulfate by copper electrode in sulfuric acid soln. in in-situ characterization of metal/electrolyte interfaces) Adsorbed subs...     »
Congress title:
CAN 136:44522 72-2 Electrochemistry Institut fur Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Universitat Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Journal 0031-8965 7664-93-9 (Sulfuric acid) Role: CPS (Chemical process), NUU (Other use, unclassified), PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PRP (Properties), PROC (Process), USES (Uses) (adsorption of sulfate by copper electrode in sulfuric acid soln. in in-situ characterization of metal/electrolyte interfaces); 7440-50-8 (Copper) Role: DEV (Device component use...     »
Journal title:
Phys. Status Solidi A
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