ISI Document Delivery No.: 685KD Times Cited: 8 Cited Reference Count: 52 Jokic, Nadezda B. Straubinger, Claudia S. Goh, Serena Li Min Herdtweck, Eberhardt Herrmann, Wolfgang A. Kuehn, Fritz E. Kuhn, Fritz/A-3113-2010; Herrmann, Wolfgang/A-3588-2010 Universitat Bayern e. V.; Bayrische Forschungsstiftung; International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE) We gratefully thank Dr. Monica Carril for helpful discussions. N.J. is acknowledged to the Universitat Bayern e. V. for a Ph.D. fellowship, S. L. M. G. thanks the Bayrische Forschungsstiftung for a Ph.D. grant. The International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE) are also acknowledged for financial support. 8 Elsevier science sa Lausanne
ISI Document Delivery No.: 685KD Times Cited: 8 Cited Reference Count: 52 Jokic, Nadezda B. Straubinger, Claudia S. Goh, Serena Li Min Herdtweck, Eberhardt Herrmann, Wolfgang A. Kuehn, Fritz E. Kuhn, Fritz/A-3113-2010; Herrmann, Wolfgang/A-3588-2010 Universitat Bayern e. V.; Bayrische Forschungsstiftung; International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE) We gratefully thank Dr. Monica Carril for helpful discussions. N.J. is acknowledged to the Universitat Bayern e. V. for a Ph.D...