We consider a recurrent Markov process which is an Itô
semi-martingale. The Lévy kernel describes the law of its jumps. Based on observations X(0) , X(∆), . . . , X(n∆), we construct an estimator for the Lévy kernel’s density. We prove its consistency (as n∆ → ∞ and ∆ → 0) and a central limit theorem. In the positive recurrent case, our estimator is asymptotically normal; in the null recurrent case, it is
asymptotically mixed normal. Our estimator’s rate of convergence equals the non-parametric minimax rate of smooth density estimation. The asymptotic bias and variance are analogous to those of the classical Nadaraya–Watson estimator for conditional densities. Asymptotic confidence intervals are provided.
We consider a recurrent Markov process which is an Itô
semi-martingale. The Lévy kernel describes the law of its jumps. Based on observations X(0) , X(∆), . . . , X(n∆), we construct an estimator for the Lévy kernel’s density. We prove its consistency (as n∆ → ∞ and ∆ → 0) and a central limit theorem. In the positive recurrent case, our estimator is asymptotically normal; in the null recurrent case, it is
asymptotically mixed normal. Our estimator’s rate of convergence equals the non-parame...