In this work, shape optimization problems in flows governed by the stationary and instationary Navier-Stokes equations are discussed. Building on the 'perturbation of identity' ansatz by Murat and Simon, a suitable framework for 2D and 3D optimal design problems is developed. In particular, for the instationary case, the Fréchet differentiability of the design-to-state operator for W^2,infty domain transformations is proved. An adjoint-based calculation of first and second order material derivatives is developed and the correlation to common parametrizations is discussed. Finally numerical results are presented.
In this work, shape optimization problems in flows governed by the stationary and instationary Navier-Stokes equations are discussed. Building on the 'perturbation of identity' ansatz by Murat and Simon, a suitable framework for 2D and 3D optimal design problems is developed. In particular, for the instationary case, the Fréchet differentiability of the design-to-state operator for W^2,infty domain transformations is proved. An adjoint-based calculation of first and second order material derivat...