While there is substantial need for dependence models in high
dimensions, most existing models strongly suffer from the curse of
dimensionality and barely balance parsimony and flexibility. In this
paper, the new class of hierarchical Kendall copulas is proposed to
tackle these problems. Constructed with flexible copulas specified for
groups of variables in different hierarchical levels, hierarchical
Kendall copulas provide a new way to model complex dependence patterns.
The paper discusses properties and appropriate inference techniques for
hierarchical Kendall copulas. A substantive application to German stock
returns finally shows that hierarchical Kendall copulas perform very
well, out-of- as well as in-sample.
While there is substantial need for dependence models in high
dimensions, most existing models strongly suffer from the curse of
dimensionality and barely balance parsimony and flexibility. In this
paper, the new class of hierarchical Kendall copulas is proposed to
tackle these problems. Constructed with flexible copulas specified for
groups of variables in different hierarchical levels, hierarchical
Kendall copulas provide a new way to model complex dependence patterns.
The paper...