In this study the survival rates of synovial, leiomyo- and fibrosarcoma patients after therapy were analyzed retrospectively. In addition, function and quality of life were evaluated. In synovial- and leiomyosarcoma, relevant factors for reduced survival are male gender, R1-resection, T2, G3 and local recidive. A statistically significant influence of radiation or chemotherapy couldn’t be found in our collective. Patients with synovial sarcoma had a better 5-year-survival rate than patients suffering from leiomyosarcoma. Functional status could normally be well conserved but was dependent of the anatomical situation. Joint involvement did diminish mobility. In the lower extremity, most patients conserved a change in gait but no severe limitations of function.
In this study the survival rates of synovial, leiomyo- and fibrosarcoma patients after therapy were analyzed retrospectively. In addition, function and quality of life were evaluated. In synovial- and leiomyosarcoma, relevant factors for reduced survival are male gender, R1-resection, T2, G3 and local recidive. A statistically significant influence of radiation or chemotherapy couldn’t be found in our collective. Patients with synovial sarcoma had a better 5-year-survival rate than patients suff...