AgTecCollection / Images and Documents Agricultural Engineering
Maintenance Unit: Chair of Agricultural Systems Engineering (Prof. em. Dr. H. Auernhammer, TUM Emeritus of Excellence), School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich (TUM).
General Information: All material in the AgTecCollection originally comes from the Chair of Agricultural Systems Engineering at the School of Life Sciences TUM from 1946 to 2008. Also material from the Chair of Agricultural Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Garching TUM is included. Finally, based on a cooperation contract, slides in black&white from the Humboldt-Universität at Berlin (HUB) are shown.
Content: The archive contains almost 60,000 images from the entire field of agricultural engineering, horticulture, fruit growing and viticulture and digital publications such as dissertations, textbooks and publication series. There are furthermore films and videos from the field of agricultural engineering. Publications on completed research projects are also integrated into the archive and research data is added to the collection (as of August 2023).
Retrieval: May be done (1) through the "classification system", (2) a full-text search in the "search field", (3) a spezified search using Type, Title, Keywords (now all in English), Authors, Brand, Color, Source and Language in a single or multiple way in the "Advanced search" (use translations in the "Search Field Table"), or (4) within "Documents" using the included links with direct access to the required object.
New (08/2020): TUM Emerity of Excellence Thought-provoking impulses for after Corona (DE) and in it Land Use of Tomorrow (DE). Now all Yield Maps from Scheyern and Dürnast between1990 and 2000. Further all known Publikations of the Chair of Agricultural Technologies since 1948. Also a comprehensive image collection Horse husbandry by Dr. Pirkelmann. Information about the current contributions in Activities-2024. From now access to the AgTecCollection also in the German Digital Library (DDB) with information representation similar objects! Now also Movies and Videos.
See also: Access analysis 2009-2020