Power supply distortions, caused by the current consumption of the circuit and the parasitics of the supply grid, are an increasing problem in designing digital circuits.
With a new methodology for estimating on-chip inductance, it is shown that on-chip inductance still can be neglected in low power circuits.
A new model and methodology for efficient simulation of power supply distortions is presented in this work. The simulation error can be reduced by a factor of 50% to 90% for the new methodology, at a 20% increased run time, compared to state of the art. This in turn allows for designing circuits with low area and power consumption.
In the last part of the work circuit techniques for countermeasures are discussed and a new adaptive circuit technique is presented. With the new circuit technique a reduction of up to 12% in average power consumption, at an area overhead of 10%, was achieved.
Power supply distortions, caused by the current consumption of the circuit and the parasitics of the supply grid, are an increasing problem in designing digital circuits.
With a new methodology for estimating on-chip inductance, it is shown that on-chip inductance still can be neglected in low power circuits.
A new model and methodology for efficient simulation of power supply distortions is presented in this work. The simulation error can be reduced by a factor of 50% to 90% for the new metho...