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Progress in circular dichroism laser mass spectrometry

Loge, Christoph; Bornschlegl, Alexander; Boesl, Ulrich
CD in ion yield has promising new potentials for chiral anal. Our progress of its development is described here. CD in ion yield is achieved by resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization. The feasibility of CD spectroscopy and quant. detn. of CD by this method is demonstrated. Several excitation schemes have been applied using different types of lasers, which vary in wavelength and repetition rate. Progress to improve the statistical error and thus the lower limit of measurable CD is described. T...     »
Spectrometers (circular dichrometers progress in CD laser mass spectrometry) Mass spectrometers (photoionization, laser-induced progress in CD laser mass spectrometry) Circular dichroism Circular dichroism spectroscopy Laser ionization mass spectrometry Photoionization mass spectra (progress in CD laser mass spectrometry) Laser radiation (pulsed, excitation schemes using progress in CD laser mass spectrometry) Photoionization (resonance-enhanced multiphoton progress in CD laser mass spectrometry...     »
Congress title:
CAN 151:458691 73-8 Optical, Electron, and Mass Spectroscopy and Other Related Properties Chemie Department, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Garching, Germany. Journal 1618-2642 4695-62-9; 6672-30-6; 7787-20-4 Role: PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PRP (Properties), PROC (Process) (CD laser mass spectrometry of); 1757-42-2 (3-Methylcyclopentanone) Role: PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PRP (Properties), PROC (Process) (racemic; CD laser mass spectrometry of)...     »
Journal title:
Anal. Bioanal. Chem.
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