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Dual pulsed-beam controlled mole fraction studies of the catalytic oxidation of CO on supported Pd nanocatalysts

Harding, C. J.; Kunz, S.; Habibpour, V.; Teslenko, V.; Arenz, M.; Heiz, U.
The characterization of nanocatalytic materials was performed by pulsed mol. beam studies. Dual piezo-controlled pulsed mol. beams were used to probe oxidn. reactions through their ability to accurately control the mole fraction of reactants. By varying the size of mass-selected Pd clusters soft-landed onto thin MgO films, strong dependency of the cluster size in the catalytic oxidn. of CO was obsd. True size effects were clearly obsd. only when exptl. results were compensated for in the incomin...     »
Oxidation (catalytic dual pulsed-beam controlled mole fraction studies of catalytic oxidn. of CO on supported Pd nanocatalysts) carbon monoxide oxidn palladium nanocatalyst pulsed beam study
Congress title:
CAN 149:16194 59-4 Air Pollution and Industrial Hygiene Lehrstuhl fuer Physikalische Chemie, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Garching, Germany. Journal 0021-9517 1309-48-4 (Magnesia); 7440-05-3 (Palladium) Role: CAT (Catalyst use), USES (Uses) (dual pulsed-beam controlled mole fraction studies of catalytic oxidn. of CO on supported Pd nanocatalysts); 630-08-0 (Carbon monoxide) Role: PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PROC (Process) (dual pulsed-beam controlled mole fraction stu...     »
Journal title:
J. Catal.
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