The aim of this retrospective study was to establish whether there is a connection between urological tumors and blood groups or rhesus factors. For this purpose, data gathered from 1043 patients with prostate cancer, 820 patients with bladder cancer and 716 patients with renal cell cancer were summarized and a comparison was made between the proportion of subgroups of different clinical parameters and the follow-up with reference to the blood group and the rhesus factor. Patients with prostate cancer and blood groups A or B had most frequently an organ-crossing tumor and blood groups A or 0 exhibited the longest progress-free survival rates. Patients with renal cell cancer and blood group AB fell ill clearly earlier and with blood group B showed by far the highest rate of G1 tumors. No connection could be found between the clinical parameters of bladder cancer and blood groups nor between the three tumorentities and the rhesus factor.
The aim of this retrospective study was to establish whether there is a connection between urological tumors and blood groups or rhesus factors. For this purpose, data gathered from 1043 patients with prostate cancer, 820 patients with bladder cancer and 716 patients with renal cell cancer were summarized and a comparison was made between the proportion of subgroups of different clinical parameters and the follow-up with reference to the blood group and the rhesus factor. Patients with prostate...