- Title:
High precision-cut liver slice model to study cell-autonomous antiviral defense of hepatocytes within their microenvironment
- Document type:
- Zeitschriftenaufsatz
- Author(s):
- Brugger, Marcus; Laschinger, Melanie; Lampl, Sandra; Schneider, Annika; Manske, Katrin; Esfandyari, Dena; Hüser, Norbert; Hartmann, Daniel; Steiger, Katja; Engelhardt, Stefan; Wohlleber, Dirk; Knolle, Percy A.
- Journal title:
- JHEP Reports
- Year:
- 2022
- Journal volume:
- 4
- Journal issue:
- 5
- Pages contribution:
- 100465
- Fulltext / DOI:
- doi:10.1016/j.jhepr.2022.100465
- Publisher:
- Elsevier BV
- 2589-5559
- Date of publication:
- 01.05.2022