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Stemmler, Mark; Heine, Jörg-Henrik; Wallner, Susanne
Analyzing tree structures with Configural Frequency Analysis and the R-package confreq
This article describes the use of Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA; von Eye, 2002) for detecting a tree structure in data that was analyzed with the SPSS module Answer Tree. At the same time, the application of the R package confreq (Heine, 2019) is demonstrated. The data example is taken from a longitudinal study on deviant and delinquent behavior in juveniles. The study is called ’Chances and Risks in the Life-Course (CURL)’ (Reinecke et al., 2013). Here, the offender status of juveniles in 11th grade was predicted by several risk factors measured two years earlier. The CHAID analysis detected a two level tree with illegal substance use as the first node and with the nodes antisocial attitudes and living in a single parent home on the second level. Functional Configural Frequency Analysis (von Eye & Mair, 2008) was applied to model the data structure in several steps: First, a main effects model is performed, then a significant configuration addressing non-offending in juveniles is blanked out and finally, effect vectors modeling the decision tree sequence were introduced into the design matrix. This resulted in a fitting model which suggests that the tree structure was correctly modeled. The theoretical background for this data application can be found in this Special Issue (see von Eye, Wiedermann, & von Weber, 2019). Syntax and outputs based on confreq are presented to create a hands-on application.
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling
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