This dissertation examines different non-perturbative effects in production and detection processes of heavy Dark Matter. Annihilation via scattering into resonant unstable particles is shown to factorize from long-range potential effects between initial state particles on an amplitude level, allowing to treat both simultaneously. Neutralino Dark Matter subject to long-range electroweak forces is revisited, improving on the treatment of running couplings and input values and completing the calculation of semi-inclusive annihilation cross sections into high-energetic photons including resummation of electroweak Sudakov logarithms to NLL accuracy. A general study of radiative formation of excited bound states in Coulomb potentials finds a parametric enhancement for repulsive initial states over processes with identically-attractive potentials. This results in eternal depletion during thermal production for non-Abelian gauge symmetries, contrary to the usual freeze-out paradigm, and furthermore violates unitarity systematically at the perturbative leading order for highly excited bound states.
This dissertation examines different non-perturbative effects in production and detection processes of heavy Dark Matter. Annihilation via scattering into resonant unstable particles is shown to factorize from long-range potential effects between initial state particles on an amplitude level, allowing to treat both simultaneously. Neutralino Dark Matter subject to long-range electroweak forces is revisited, improving on the treatment of running couplings and input values and completing the calcu...