Prevalence of Cancer Predisposition Germline Variants in Male Breast Cancer Patients: Results of the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
Rolfes, Muriel ; Borde, Julika ; Möllenhoff, Kathrin ; Kayali, Mohamad ; Ernst, Corinna ; Gehrig, Andrea ; Sutter, Christian ; Ramser, Juliane ; Niederacher, Dieter ; Horváth, Judit ; Arnold, Norbert ; Meindl, Alfons ; Auber, Bernd ; Rump, Andreas ; Wang-Gohrke, Shan ; Ritter, Julia ; Hentschel, Julia ; Thiele, Holger ; Altmüller, Janine ; Nürnberg, Peter ; Rhiem, Kerstin ; Engel, Christoph ; Wappenschmidt, Barbara ; Schmutzler, Rita K. ; Hahnen, Eric ; Hauke, Jan
Article ; breast neoplasms ; male breast cancer ; breast cancer predisposition genes ; genetic testing ; familial breast cancer