The Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI) Correlates With Histopathologic Findings in Post-reperfusion Baseline Biopsies and Predicts Kidney Transplant Outcome
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Bachmann, Quirin ; Haberfellner, Flora ; Büttner-Herold, Maike ; Torrez, Carlos ; Haller, Bernhard ; Assfalg, Volker ; Renders, Lutz ; Amann, Kerstin ; Heemann, Uwe ; Schmaderer, Christoph ; Kemmner, Stephan
Medicine ; kidney biopsies ; living kidney donor profile index (LKDPI) ; ischemia/reperfusion injury ; kidney transplant outcomes ; expanded criteria donor (ECD) ; standard criteria donor (SCD) ; kidney donor profile index (KDPI) ; kidney transplantation