Radio frequency (RF) circuits and high bit-rate digital circuits radiate electromagnetic interference (EMI). This noise is mainly excited by switching operations in digital circuitry. Although this noise is deterministic, it has to be treated as stochastic noise due to lack of knowledge. Switching operations synchronized by a periodic clock signal generate noise represented by a cylostationary (CS) random process, i.e. a random process with periodic time dependence of its ensemble averages. For optimum EMI compliant design of circuits an accurate modeling of the influence of EMI on circuits is required. Numerical simulation methodologies for stationary stochastic EM fields already have been developed. In this work, these methods are extended to CS stochastic EM fields.
Radio frequency (RF) circuits and high bit-rate digital circuits radiate electromagnetic interference (EMI). This noise is mainly excited by switching operations in digital circuitry. Although this noise is deterministic, it has to be treated as stochastic noise due to lack of knowledge. Switching operations synchronized by a periodic clock signal generate noise represented by a cylostationary (CS) random process, i.e. a random process with periodic time dependence of its ensemble averages. For...