The emerging 5G mobile communication systems are envisioned to meet new requirements for higher data rates transfer with increased bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In this perspective, integration of distributed power combiners with antenna arrays appears as a strong enabler for broadband low-energy solutions. The required tradeoffs between area constraints, power consumption and broadband performances impose severe specifications in terms of matching and isolation between antenna array elements subject to random EM fields exposure. Use of MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) technology to improve communication capabilities with small antenna separation needed for compact mobile devices has led to the development of various impedance matching techniques that compensate degradation resulting from mutual couplings. Among these techniques [1] are the well-known optimal multiport conjugate match (MCM) for maximum power transfer with minimum noise-figure. Nevertheless, the optimality of coupled matching networks suffers from narrow band limitations and complexity of implementation. Furthermore, the coupled matching network approach is generally tackled from a circuit theory perspective where effects related to antenna radiation efficiency and loss correlations are under-estimated. In [2], necessity of electromagnetic (EM) theory-based fundamental analysis of wireless communication systems properly accounting for impedance matching, interferences/couplings between noisy [3] radiating elements is underlined.
The emerging 5G mobile communication systems are envisioned to meet new requirements for higher data rates transfer with increased bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In this perspective, integration of distributed power combiners with antenna arrays appears as a strong enabler for broadband low-energy solutions. The required tradeoffs between area constraints, power consumption and broadband performances impose severe specifications in terms of matching and isolation between antenna arra...