- Title:
Standard methods for Apis mellifera venom research
- Document type:
- Zeitschriftenaufsatz
- Author(s):
- de Graaf, Dirk C.; Brochetto Braga, Márcia Regina; de Abreu, Rusleyd Maria Magalhães; Blank, Simon; Bridts, Chris H.; De Clerck, Luc S.; Devreese, Bart; Ebo, Didier G.; Ferris, Timothy J.; Hagendorens, Margo M.; Justo Jacomini, Débora Laís; Kanchev, Iliya; Kokot, Zenon J.; Matysiak, Jan; Mertens, Christel; Sabato, Vito; Van Gasse, Athina L.; Van Vaerenbergh, Matthias
- Journal title:
- Journal of Apicultural Research
- Year:
- 2020
- Journal volume:
- 60
- Journal issue:
- 4
- Pages contribution:
- 1-31
- Fulltext / DOI:
- doi:10.1080/00218839.2020.1801073
- Publisher:
- Informa UK Limited
- 0021-88392078-6913
- Date of publication:
- 01.09.2020