The design process of concrete structures is carried out using standards and guidelines, while the
durability predictions of concrete structures is supported only with exposure classes and experience-based requirements.
To improve durability predictions of the carbonation resistance of concrete, a numerical model is being developed within
the Horizon 2020 project EnDurCrete, coupling the rate of carbonation, and the drying rate. To verify the numerical model,
an accelerated carbonation study was carried out. Experiments were conducted on mortars incorporating a novel
CEM II/C (S-LL) cement, developed within the EnDurCrete project, and a commercially available reference cement
CEM II/A-S. EnDurCrete mortars (EnM) and reference mortars (RefM) were prepared with water-cement ratios of 0.6 and
0.5 (denoted with label extensions -06 and -05). Visual assessments and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to
measure the carbonation rates, which were found to be ~1.0 mm day-0.5 in EnM-06 and ~0.6 mm day-0.5 in RefM-06, while
in EnM-05 and RefM-05 the values were ~0.7 and ~0.2 mm day-0.5 respectively. Additionally, TGA shows that the initial
portlandite (CH) content is ~1.5 wt% in EnM-06 as opposed to ~3.0 wt% in RefM-06. The difference in the initial CH
content in the two hydrated binders might explain the difference in their carbonation rate. During the moisture transport
experiments a gravimetric method was used to determine mass changes as specimens underwent drying and
resaturation with and without CO2 present. The drying led to a decrease in mass, but in the presence of CO2 this mass
loss was compensated by the mass gain due to uptake of CO2 during carbonation. The resaturation experiments indicate
an increase in the suction porosity in the carbonated samples compared to the non-carbonated samples.
The design process of concrete structures is carried out using standards and guidelines, while the
durability predictions of concrete structures is supported only with exposure classes and experience-based requirements.
To improve durability predictions of the carbonation resistance of concrete, a numerical model is being developed within
the Horizon 2020 project EnDurCrete, coupling the rate of carbonation, and the drying rate. To verify the numerical model,
an accelerated carbonation study...