Multivariate geometric distributions, (logarithmically) monotone sequences, and infinitely divisible laws
Mai, J.-F.; Scherer, M.; Shenkman, N.
Nicht-TUM Koautoren:
Two stochastic representations of multivariate geometric distributions are analyzed, both are obtained by lifting the lack-of-memory (LM) property of the univariate geometric law to the multivariate case. On the one hand, the narrow-sense multivariate geometric law can be considered a discrete equivalent of the well-studied Marshall-Olkin exponential law. On the other hand, the more general wide-sense geometric law is shown to be characterized by the LM property and can differ significantly from its continuous counterpart, e.g. by allowing for negative pairwise correlations. For both families of distributions, their d-dimensional exchangeable subclass is characterized analytically via d-log-monotone, resp. d-monotone, sequences of parameters. Using this reparameterization, the subfamilies of distributions with conditionally i.i.d. components in the sense of de Finetti's theorem are determined. For these, a third stochastic construction based on a non-decreasing random walk is presented. The narrow-sense family is embedded in this construction when the increments of the involved random walk are infinitely divisible. The exchangeable narrow-sense law is furthermore shown to exhibit the MRTI property.
Two stochastic representations of multivariate geometric distributions are analyzed, both are obtained by lifting the lack-of-memory (LM) property of the univariate geometric law to the multivariate case. On the one hand, the narrow-sense multivariate geometric law can be considered a discrete equivalent of the well-studied Marshall-Olkin exponential law. On the other hand, the more general wide-sense geometric law is shown to be characterized by the LM property and can differ significantly from...
multivariate geometric law, lack-of-memory, exchangeability, completely monotone sequences, d-monotone sequences, de Finetti's theorem, conditionally i.i.d., infinitely divisible law