The durability of concrete structural components in service is determined by the transport of aqueous and gaseous substances in the pore system of concrete and their interaction with the binder paste matrix, aggregate or steel reinforcement. The substances may cause degradation and loss of serviceability by their direct action on the concrete microstructure or, indirectly, permit other reactions leading to deterioration.
In general, service life design procedures for reinforced concrete structures have been developed in the Brite-Euram Project DuraCrete. The applicability of the probabilistic design ture projects and is currently being disseminated through the Thematic Network DuraNet. Main elements of a SLD approach are: Identification of relevant operational limit states, deterioration modelling, statistical quantification of material and environmental variables, and full- or semiprobabilistic
design calculation.
The durability of concrete structural components in service is determined by the transport of aqueous and gaseous substances in the pore system of concrete and their interaction with the binder paste matrix, aggregate or steel reinforcement. The substances may cause degradation and loss of serviceability by their direct action on the concrete microstructure or, indirectly, permit other reactions leading to deterioration.
In general, service life design procedures for reinforced concrete struct...