Within the scope of the research project "VibWood", operational vibration analyses of timber floor constructions were carried out. In order to understand the vibration behaviour of and the sound transmission through the layers of the constructions the coupling between them was investigated. The transfer function from the point of excitation to a pattern of receiving positions located on each of the layers of the construction was measured using a swept sine excitation. As a result, the frequency range of decoupling between the base floor and the floating floor and between
the base floor and the suspended ceiling could be identified and the individual vibration behavior analyzed. The measurements also included the radiated sound power from the suspended ceiling. There is indication that there is not necessarily a correlation between the eigenmodes of the suspended ceiling and the maxima of the radiated sound power.
Within the scope of the research project "VibWood", operational vibration analyses of timber floor constructions were carried out. In order to understand the vibration behaviour of and the sound transmission through the layers of the constructions the coupling between them was investigated. The transfer function from the point of excitation to a pattern of receiving positions located on each of the layers of the construction was measured using a swept sine excitation. As a result, the frequency...