Roll in – Kavalierstraße Dessau: Stadtgestaltung und Verkehrsplanung – geht das zusammen?
Cyclescapes – Radfahren und Raumgestalt
Tagung des ADFC und des Bundesumweltamtes Dessau in Kooperation mit der Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
The City of the Future (English: The City of the Future)
Technik in Bayern (TIB)
04/2014 - Schwerpunkt Stadt der Zukunft
Design und Evaluation einer sozio-technischen Systemlösung für ein altersgerechtes häusliches Umfeld im Rahmen des Verbundvorhabens Gesund wohnen mit Stil – GEWOS (English: Design and evaluation of a socio-technical system solution for an ageing friendly home environment in the context of the research project GEWOS)
Co-adaptation of robot systems, processes and in-house environments for professional care assistance in an ageing society
Journal of Procedia Engineering, Elsevier
Procedia Engineering 85 ( 2014 )
328 – 338
Towards a vision controlled robotic home environment, Automation in Construction
Automation in Construction
Volume 39, 1 April 2014
Home Environment Interaction via Service Robots and the Leap Motion Controller
Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC)
Co-adaptation of robot systems, processes and in-house environments for professional care assistance in an ageing society
Creative Construction Conference 2014
Independent Living by Modular and Customizable with Assistive Functions Micro-Robotic-Environments
7th German Ambient Assisted Living Conference