Belit-Calciumsulfoaluminatzement aus flugaschehaltigem Rohmehl - Einfluss von Alkalien auf den Hydratationsverlauf und den Phasenbestand
19. Internationale Baustofftagung Ibausil
How does partial replacement of Portland cement with supplementary cementitious materials affect reinforcement corrosion?
Gordon Research Conference on Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure Development
Utvikling av en ny miljøvennlig komposittsement for framtidens bestandige betongkonstruksjoner
Norsk Betongdag 2019
Influence of lithium carbonate and sodium polyphosphate on CA2 hydration
1st International Conference on the Chemistry of Construction Materials (ICCCM)
Effect of the addition of dolomite on the stability of the hydrate phase assemblage in Portland composite cement pastes
15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC)
The influence of metakaolin on the reaction of dolomite in Porland composite cement pastes
Conference in honour of the Centennial of laboratory of construction materials and the 60th birthday of Prof. Karen Scrivener
Investigation of the products of the dolomite reaction in Portland cement pastes
23th Nordic Concrete Research Symposium
Critical investigation of TGA sample preparation for composite cements
35th Cement & Concrete Science Conference (CCSC35)
Aberdeen, Scotland
Influence of portlandite with different reactivity on alite hydration
1st International Conference on the Chemistry of Construction Materials