- Title:
SDF1α-induced chemotaxis of JAK2-V617F-positive cells is dependent on Bruton tyrosine kinase and its downstream targets PI3K/AKT, PLCγ1 and RhoA
- Document type:
- Zeitschriftenaufsatz
- Author(s):
- Nimmagadda, Subbaiah Chary; Frey, Stephanie; Müller, Peter; Wolleschak, Denise; Weinert, Sönke; Keller, Ulrich; Edelmann, Bärbel; Fischer, Thomas
- Journal title:
- Haematologica
- Year:
- 2019
- Journal volume:
- 104
- Journal issue:
- 7
- Pages contribution:
- e288-e292
- Fulltext / DOI:
- doi:10.3324/haematol.2018.201921
- Publisher:
- Ferrata Storti Foundation (Haematologica)
- 0390-60781592-8721
- Date of publication:
- 14.02.2019