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Höfler, Mathias; Liu, Xiaomin; Greb, Thomas; Alim, Karen
Experimental data and software for simulation in publication: Mechanical forces instruct division plane orientation of cambium stem cells during radial growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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D. Ramos, João Rafael; Alim, Karen; Maizel, Alexis
Software for simulation in publication: Auxin-mediated stress relaxation in pericycle and endoderm remodelling drive lateral root initiation

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Tröger, Lucas; Alim, Karen
Migration of plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum on plain agar and SDM agar

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Schick, Lisa; Kramar, Mirna; Alim, Karen
Data underlying the publication: Dynamic cost allocation allows network-forming forager to switch between search strategies

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Weingart, Maximilian; Chen, Siyu; Donat, Clara; Helmbrecht, Vanessa; Orsi, William D.; Braun, Dieter; Alim, Karen
Data underlying the publication: Alkaline vents recreated in two dimensions to study pH gradients, precipitation morphology and molecule accumulation

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Marbach, Sophie; Ziethen, Noah; Bastin, Leonie; Bäuerle, Felix; Alim, Karen
Data underlying the publication: Vein fate determined by flow-based but time-delayed integration of network architecture

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Chen, Siyu; Alim, Karen
Data underlying the publication: Network topology enables efficient response to environment in Physarum polycephalum

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Codutti, Agnese ;Cremer, Jonas ;Alim, Karen
Changing Flows Balance Nutrient Absorption and Bacterial Growth along the Gut

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Meigel, Felix J. ;Darwent, Thomas ;Bastin, Leonie ;Goehring, Luas ;Alim, Karen
Data underlying the publication: Dispersive transport dynamics in porous media emerge from local correlations