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Original title:
Do Cartilage T2 Relaxation Time Measurements over 8 Years Predict if Patients Benefit from Weight Loss? Longitudinal Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Translated title:
Kann man anhand MRT T2 Relaxationsdaten voraussagen, ob Patienten von einer Gewichtsreduktion über einen Beobachtungszeitraum von 96 Monate profitieren. Verlaufsdaten aus der Osteoarthritis Initiative
Feuerriegel, Georg
Document type:
Fakultät für Medizin
Kirschke, Jan S. (Prof. Dr.)
Kirschke, Jan S. (Prof. Dr.); Wörtler, Klaus (Prof. Dr.)
Subject group:
MED Medizin
Translated keywords:
Kniegelenksarthrose, Knorpeldegeneration, MRT T2, Gewichtsverlust
TUM classification:
MED 540d
Objective: To analyze the long-term effects of different degrees of weight loss on degenerative processes in the knee as well as on the clinical symptoms over a period of 96 months. The aim was to identify individuals that would benefit most from weight loss regarding onset and progression of osteoarthritis. Methods: We included 490 participants (Mean age 62.4 years ± 9.1, 296 women) of the osteoarthritis initiative who were obese (BMI > 30 kg/m(2) or overweight (BMI > 25, < 30) and had mild to moderate or risk factors for osteoarthritis, respectively. Subjects were divided into groups regarding the amount of weight loss (a) weight loss of more than 10% (n =74), (b) weight loss of 5%-10% (n =171), or (c) stable weight (n = 245) over 96 months. Participants were frequency-matched for age, sex, baseline body mass index, and Kellgren-Lawrence score. We used MR-based T2 values to examine the longitudinal changes in cartilage composition together with laminar and texture analysis at baseline, 48-months and 96-months. Additionally, we analyzed the MR images and assessed the cartilage, menisci and other knee structures using the modified Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score (WORMS). Questionnaires were used to assess the development of clinical symptoms and general mobility of the participants. Progression of the sub-scores was compared among the weight loss groups by using a random mixed model. Results: Over 96 months the WL group with over 10 % weight loss showed a significantly slower increase in mean (averaged over all compartments) cartilage T2 ([-0.032 [-0,06, 0.004] ms/year; P = 0.023) as well as global deep ([-0.032 [-0,06, 0.004] ms/year; P = 0.023) and articular cartilage T2 ([-0.034 [-0,07, 0.008] ms/year; P = 0.045) compared to the controls suggesting slower cartilage deterioration. The 5-10% WL could only show a slower increase in the medial and lateral tibia as well as the patella compartment. Compared to the SW group, slower increase in WORMS sub-scores (medial meniscus and LFC BMEP) was observed in the over 10 % WL groups (P = 0.046 and P = 0.038, respectively). Regarding the WOMAC scores the over 10% WL group showed a significant slower increase in all sub-scores whereas the 5-10% WL showed a significant increase in the PASE score. Conclusion:Our study suggests that WL is significantly associated with slowed cartilage degeneration over a period of 96 months. Weight loss of over 10 % of the body weight shows the biggest benefit not only regarding the morphological degeneration of knee structures, but also concerning the clinical symptoms suggesting that greater weight loss is more beneficial than moderate or no weight loss.
Translated abstract:
Zielsetzung: Ziel ist es den Effekt von Gewichtsverlust in Bezug auf langfristigen Veränderungen der Knorpeldegeneration und verschiedene klinische Symptome zu analysieren. Dabei gilt es herauszufinden welche Personengruppen am meisten vom Gewichtsverlust in Bezug auf den Beginn und die Progression von Kniegelenksarthrosen profitieren. Material und Methodik: Aus der Osteoarthritis Initiative wurden 490 Patienten (62.4 ± 9,1 Jahre; 296 weiblich; BMI ≥25 kg/m2) mit milden bis moderaten Risikof...     »
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