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Field data of wet grassland experiment recording changes of Jacobaea aquatica, plant community composition and species abundances under different management practices

Document type:
Publication date:
Krieger, Marie-Therese
Krieger, Marie-Therese; Ditton, Julia; Albrecht, Harald; Baaij, Barteline Martina; Kollmann, Johannes; Teixeira, Leonardo H.
Author affiliation:
Technical University of Munich: Krieger, Marie-Therese; Ditton, Julia; Albrecht, Baaij, Barteline Martina; Kollmann, Johannes; Harald; Teixeira, Leonardo H.
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Ås, Norway: Kollmann Johannes
Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands: Baaij, Barteline Martina
End date of data production:
Subject area:
UMW Umweltwissenschaften
Other subject areas:
Ecology, Grassland management
Resource type:
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations
Other resource types:
data gathered from open online sources (climate data)
Data type:
Tabellen / tables
Collected data from three grassland experiments to assess the effects of different management intensities on the abundance of a native invader as well as on species richness and functional diversity. Data correspond to vegetation survey data of the grassland sites, to calculated change values of species abundance, abundance of monocots and dicots, species number, functional dispersion and redundancy and to environmental site conditions used for NMDS analysis. For details regarding each dataset,...     »
Additional Metadata :

This dataset relates to the publication: Controlling the abundance of a native invasive plant does not affect species richness or functional diversity of wet grasslands

Method of data assessment:
Field experiments with different management strategies to suppress the native invader Jacobaea aquatica were established in 2017 and 2018. To assess the effects on the abundance of J. aquatica and on species richness and functional diversity of the sites vegetation surveys were conducted at the start and end of the experiments. Environmental data were collected from respective databases. Plant trait data derived from public sources will be made available only upon request.
Key words:
community structure; cutting management; functional dispersion; functional redundancy; Jacobaea aquatica; marsh ragwort; native invader; plant diversity; weed control; wet grasslands
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