Flame ionisation detector time series data from three solvents injected into an industrial, abiotic biotrickling filter that is designed to purify paint spray exhaust air
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations; Abbildungen von Objekten / image of objects; Logfiles und Nutzungsdaten / log files and usage data
Bilder / images; Tabellen / tables
Anderer Datentyp:
Zeitreihen/time series. Data are given redundantly in four formats: *.csv, *.ods, *.xlsx and GNU Octave *.m files. The data in these files are all identical.
Methode der Datenerhebung:
The data consist of six simple time series with a sampling rate of one every five seconds; the author used GNU Octave *.m files to plot the data but a spreadsheet is equally good;
The purpose of the experiment and data is to understand how well certain solvents used in the painting industry migrate from the gas into the aqueous phase in a biotrickling filter. It is found that xylene does not transfer from the gas into the water whereas propylene glycol methyl ether fully transfers into the aqueous phase. The data come from a full scale industrial biotrickling filter rather than a laboratory filter which is unusual in biomitigation research.