During their bachelor’s programmes the health science students (nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, prosthetics, and so on) are introduced to evidence based practice. When the students are in their placements in practice settings some of the clinical instructors are less familiar with evidence based practice than others. This course it meant as an introductory e-learning course to evidence based practice for clinical instructors less familiar with evidence based practice and comprises such as formulating questions, literature searching, critical appraisal and implementation. The course will also contain suggestions to exercises the clinical instructors can give to or work through with the students to demonstrate and visualize the role of evidence based practice in a work setting.
This presentation will describe both the development of the course as a collaboration between OsloMet and the health sector, and the course itself which is now in the finalizing stages.
During their bachelor’s programmes the health science students (nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, prosthetics, and so on) are introduced to evidence based practice. When the students are in their placements in practice settings some of the clinical instructors are less familiar with evidence based practice than others. This course it meant as an introductory e-learning course to evidence based practice for clinical instructors less familiar with evidence based practice and comprises...