BAU Bauingenieurwesen, Vermessungswesen; DAT Datenverarbeitung, Informatik; TEC Technik, Ingenieurwissenschaften (allgemein)
Other subject areas:
Robotics, Mapping
Resource type:
Abbildungen von Objekten / image of objects
Other resource types:
3D Models/Mehes
Data type:
mehrdimensionale Visualisierungen oder Modelle / models
Other data type:
-3D inventor parts in .ipt format and assemblies in .iam format.
The data provided here includes the mounting system, which enable the mounting of multiple sensors on a robot. Although it was specifically developed for the Go1-legged robot, it can be utilized on any robot with a flat surface or as a handheld system by detaching the sensors from the components that hold the PC and batteries.
The mounting system is designed to accommodate an Ouster 3D LiDAR and four D435i RealSense cameras. Additionally, it supports a NUC mini PC and two batteries. For detailed information about the connections and usage of the system, please refer to this paper