Clinical and imaging data in overweight and obese subjects were studied over 96 months to investigate the long-term effect of different amounts (5-10% or >10%) and methods (diet, exercise, combination of both, surgery) of weight loss on knee cartilage health using MR-based T2 values, laminar and texture analysis and clinical questionnaires. The results show a significantly decelerated T2 progression, strongly seen in the >10% weight loss group and the medial tibia of both weight loss groups, indicating a slower deterioration of cartilage through weight loss. The subgroup analysis suggests an accelerated T2 progression in the exercise only group, possibly caused by an overweight-related, attrition-promoting joint load during extensive workouts.
Clinical and imaging data in overweight and obese subjects were studied over 96 months to investigate the long-term effect of different amounts (5-10% or >10%) and methods (diet, exercise, combination of both, surgery) of weight loss on knee cartilage health using MR-based T2 values, laminar and texture analysis and clinical questionnaires. The results show a significantly decelerated T2 progression, strongly seen in the >10% weight loss group and the medial tibia of both weight loss groups, ind...