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Sulfate adsorption on Cu(111) studied by in-situ IRRAS and STM. Revealing the adsorption site and desorption behavior

Lennartz, M.; Broekmann, P.; Arenz, M.; Stuhlmann, C.; Wandelt, K.
Sulfate adlayers on a Cu(111) electrode were investigated by in-situ IR reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) combined with in-situ STM. The latter data show clear evidence for a bridging bidentate coordination of sulfate to the Cu surface. The IR spectra exhibit one single absorption band in the frequency range of 1205-1225 cm-1. Further anal. of the band frequency and intensity with respect to the electrode potential leads to sulfate desorption with sulfate remaining in islands at the sur...     »
Adsorbed substances (coordination of sulfate adsorbed at Cu(111) electrodes) Adsorption Desorption (electrochem. adsorption site and desorption behavior of sulfate at Cu(111) electrodes) Coordination Surface structure Vibrational frequency (of sulfate adsorbed at Cu(111) electrodes) sulfate electroadsorption electrodesorption copper electrode coordination island structure
Congress title:
CAN 132:70645 72-2 Electrochemistry Institut fur Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie der Universitat Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Journal 0039-6028 7440-50-8 (Copper) Role: PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PROC (Process) (adsorption site and desorption behavior of sulfate at Cu(111) electrodes); 14808-79-8 (Sulfate) Role: PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PRP (Properties), PROC (Process) (adsorption site and desorption behavior of sulfate at Cu(111) electrodes)
Journal title:
Surf. Sci.
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