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The Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Thin Palladium Films Supported on a Pt(111) Electrode

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Arenz, M.; Schmidt, T. J.; Wandelt, K.; Ross, P. N.; Markovic, N. M.
The oxygen redn. reaction (ORR) in acid and alk. solns. was studied on thin Pd films (0 < θPd < 1.5 ML) supported on a Pt(111) electrode. In 0.1M KOH, the general form of the current vs. νPd relation for the ORR has a volcano shape, with the max. catalytic activity exhibited by a surface modified with 1 ML of Pd. However, if the amt. of Pd deposited exceeds 1 ML, the reaction is inhibited and 1.5 ML of Pd are less active than unmodified Pt(111). In 0.1M HClO4, none of the Pd films are more active than Pt(111). In soln. contg. Cl- (ca. 106-10-5M), the inhibition on the Pt(111)-Pd electrode is much more severe than on bare Pt(111) due to stronger anion adsorption on Pd. The authors present an interpretation of the kinetics of the ORR on Pt modified by thin Pd films in alk. and acid soln. based on the electronic properties of the Pd films and how the electronic properties effect specific anion adsorption, the formation of OHad and the adsorption of the reaction intermediates. [on SciFinder(R)]
Reduction kinetics (electrochem. of oxygen on thin palladium films supported on Pt(111) electrode in acid and alk. solns.) Reduction catalysts (electrochem. palladium films supported on Pt(111) for oxygen) Electrolytic polarization (in oxygen electrochem. redn. on thin palladium films supported on Pt(111) electrode in KOH soln.) Adsorption (of chloride by palladium films supported on Pt(111) electrode in perchloric acid soln. in oxygen electrochem. redn.) Reduction (of oxygen on thin palladium f...     »
Congress title:
CAN 139:329454 72-2 Electrochemistry Institut fuer Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Universitaet Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Journal 1520-6106 16887-00-6 (Chloride) Role: PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PYP (Physical process), PROC (Process) (adsorption by palladium films supported on Pt(111) electrode in perchloric acid soln. in oxygen electrochem. redn.); 7782-44-7 (Oxygen) Role: PRP (Properties), RCT (Reactant), RACT (Reactant or reagent) (electrocatalytic redn. on thin palla...     »
Journal title:
J. Phys. Chem. B
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