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Di Valentin, Cristiana; Del Vitto, Annalisa; Pacchioni, Gianfranco; Abbet, Stephane; Woerz, Anke S.; Judai, Ken; Heiz, Ueli
Chemisorption and Reactivity of Methanol on MgO Thin Films
MeOH adsorption on MgO thin films was studied by FTIR and thermal desorption spectroscopies (TDS), and by ab initio cluster model calcns. Depending on the prepn. conditions, films with various concns. of defects were obtained. These films exhibit different reactivity toward adsorbed MeOH. In particular, at temps. of 580 K, H2 is released from defect-rich films while no prodn. of hydrogen is obsd. on defect-poor films. The calcns. show that MeOH can interact in 3 different ways with the surface g...     »
Adsorption energy Chemisorption Dissociative chemisorption IR spectra Physisorption Simulation and Modeling (adsorption of methanol on MgO thin films studied by FTIR, thermal desorption spectroscopy, and ab initio cluster model calcns.) Desorption (thermal adsorption of methanol on MgO thin films studied by FTIR, thermal desorption spectroscopy, and ab initio cluster model calcns.) chemisorption methanol magnesium oxide thin film dissociative chemisorption methanol magnesium oxide thin film phys...     »
CAN 138:29546 66-3 Surface Chemistry and Colloids Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Universita di Milano-Bicocca, and Instituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, Milan, Italy. Journal 1520-6106 67-56-1 (Methanol); 1309-48-4 (Magnesium oxide (MgO)) Role: CPS (Chemical process), PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PRP (Properties), PYP (Physical process), PROC (Process) (adsorption of methanol on MgO thin films studied by FTIR, thermal desorption spectroscopy, and ab initio...     »
J. Phys. Chem. B
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