The propagation of acoustic waves in the inner ear in vivo could not be quantified completely yet. This is in particular true in conjunction with the micromechanical structures of the organ of Corti, though these data are important for the explanation and discussion of clinical measurements like otoacoustic emissions and auditory brainstem responses. To access these problems a three-dimensional mechanical model of the cochlea including the fluid-structure couplings is developed and evaluated numerically by finite elements. Although the complex cochlear partition is covered by passive mechanical elements, the results fit early experiments (1928), which studied the wave propagation in the cochlea with fresh human cadavers [G. von Békésy: Experiments in Hearing. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1960]. Additionally it is now easy to calculate the mechanical input impedance of the cochlea. These results agree with recent experiments [S.N. Merchant et al.: Hear Res 1996; 97:30–45].
The propagation of acoustic waves in the inner ear in vivo could not be quantified completely yet. This is in particular true in conjunction with the micromechanical structures of the organ of Corti, though these data are important for the explanation and discussion of clinical measurements like otoacoustic emissions and auditory brainstem responses. To access these problems a three-dimensional mechanical model of the cochlea including the fluid-structure couplings is developed and evaluated num...