The thesis addresses patient-specific mechano-biological interactions in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). For this purpose, the expression and the occurrence of relevant destabilizing inflammatory, proteolytic and structural factors within AAA wall were compared with the material properties and loads of the corresponding tissue. Furthermore, the role of CXCR4/CXCL12 and the impact of chronic kidney disease on the AAA were evaluated. In conclusion, this work provides new insights into the pathogenesis of AAA and might improve the rupture risk stratification of patients suffering from AAA.
The thesis addresses patient-specific mechano-biological interactions in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). For this purpose, the expression and the occurrence of relevant destabilizing inflammatory, proteolytic and structural factors within AAA wall were compared with the material properties and loads of the corresponding tissue. Furthermore, the role of CXCR4/CXCL12 and the impact of chronic kidney disease on the AAA were evaluated. In conclusion, this work provides new insights into the pathoge...