Adjuvant systemic chemotherapy reduces the risk of relapse
by about 25%. In hormone receptor-negative tumors,
adjuvant chemotherapy is considered standard, independent
of age or lymph node status. In hormone receptor-
positive disease, an indication for adjuvant
chemotherapy is given in patients at increased risk of relapse.
Endocrine therapy should then be administered
sequentially after chemotherapy. Anthracyclines are considered
standard adjuvant therapy - superiority versus
CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil)
was only demonstrated for anthracycline-containing
polychemotherapy with 3 or more substances or for an
anthracycline-CMF sequence. Several studies consistently
indicate that addition of taxanes (docetaxel, paclitaxel)
to anthracycline-containg chemotherapy results in a significant
survival advantage. Since these data are so far
only available for node-positive disease, taxanes should
be an essential part of adjuvant chemotherapy in nodepositive
patients. Dose-dense chemotherapy is a valid
option for node-positive patients, in particular for those
with 10 or more involved axillary lymph nodes. Evidence-
based therapy recommendations can be found in
the annually updated guidelines of the AGO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Gynäkologische Onkologie) breast cancer
Adjuvant systemic chemotherapy reduces the risk of relapse
by about 25%. In hormone receptor-negative tumors,
adjuvant chemotherapy is considered standard, independent
of age or lymph node status. In hormone receptor-
positive disease, an indication for adjuvant
chemotherapy is given in patients at increased risk of relapse.
Endocrine therapy should then be administered
sequentially after chemotherapy. Anthracyclines are considered
standard adjuvant therapy - superiority versus
CMF (cyclophospha...